Leo Zwarts wins Luc Hoffmann Medal


The Wetlands International Luc Hoffmann Medal for Wetland Science and Conservation is an award with multiple purposes. It is awarded every triennium to honour dr. Luc Hoffmann of the inspirational and far-sighted founders of Wetlands International. This year dr. Leo Zwarts received the Medal as a representative of the team of authors and contributors to the book 'Living on the Edge- wetlands and birds in a changing Sahel' and the substantive body of work that this represents.

Read the full press release here.

'A tremendous book in every department'.

The magazine British Birds and the British Trust for Ornithology have announced the winner of the Best Bird Book Award 2010. 'Living on the Edge' was the jury's unanimous choice. The book, written bij Leo Zwarts, Rob G. Bijlsma, Jan van der Kamp and Eddy Wymenga, is very accessible and richly illustrated. It describes the challenges faced by 'our' migratory waterbirds throughout their wintering range.

Read the full press release here and the jury report here.

Living on the edge
Wetlands and birds in a changing Sahel
Auteurs:                Leo Zwarts, Rob G. Bijlsma, Jan van der Kamp, Eddy Wymenga,
Foto’s:                   Jan van de Kam, Hans Hut e.a.
Uitgever:               KNNV Publishing, The Netherlands
Details:                  564 p., 21 x 28 cm, hardback, full colour, richly illustrated with drawings, maps and photos
ISBN:                     978 90 5011 280 2
Prijs:                      € 64,95

